I’m relatively new to the YA fantasy book scene. Sarah J Maas’s book A Court Of Thorns And Roses was my first real introduction and it was the book that got me hooked.
Problem was, after smashing through the whole book series, I was struggling to find more YA fantasy book series that measured up to my ACOTAR experience.
But it happened when I read From Blood And Ash by Jennifer L Armentrout.
Damn! This book series easily bumped ACOTAR off my number one book spot LOL.
I was hooked, and tightly, after the first chapter. So much so that I finished this book in two days, staying up till 2.34am to finish it. I literally could not put this book down.
Wanna know why I loved From Blood And Ash so much? Check out the video below:
The Emotional Journey of My New Favourite Fantasy Book
Here’s a visual of My Emotional Journey, as mentioned in my video book review, when reading From Blood And Ash:

As I mention in my video review, I absolutely adore the way Armentrout writes about emotions. How they feel and taste to Poppy. I love how she’s created her own dictionary of feelings based on their scent and how they physically feel.
Here’s an example, ‘Two separate emotions. One reminded me of lemon – tart against my tongue. The other sensation was heavier and spicy . . . spicy, a bit smoky. I thought the first might be confusion or maybe uncertainty. As if he were unsure of something. The other . . . Gods. It took a few moments for my senses to zero in on what that was. It made me feel hot and . . . and achy. It felt like arousal.’
A good peppering of hot & steamy scenes
And I have to say, I’m a huge fan of the regular ‘intimate’ scenes. Armentrout, in my opinion, times them perfectly! And the variety . . .

Here’s a little snippet of just one of the many sex scenes:
‘. . . I lifted my legs, curling them around his hips. Taking advantage of his surprise and tapping into my own anger, I rolled him onto his back, fully intending to leave him there, but I hadn’t forseen what the move would do when I rocked back –
I sank down on his length, my body shockingly flush with his. My shout ended in his groan as I planted my hands on his chest. Gods. The fullness was almost too much.’
I also love the repetition of some powerful words
Interestingly, there were a few phrases/words that stood out to me, for having intention and impact, throughout the book. So much so that I noted them down in my book review journal.
Incredibly violent. Intriguing. Unexpected. Inappropriate. Real.
Here’s the book review pages from my journal:

If you love reading emotional rollercoasters, with sexy scenes that get you a little bit hot under the collar, this one is for you!
I give From Blood And Ash a solid 4.8 out of 5.
You can buy From Blood And Ash online here!