I’m a HUGE FAN of books . . . so much so I could probably open a small library one day. Here are my 3 FAV Astrology books . . …
Buying for a Libran ain’t easy as they have very particular taste. No fear though as I have 5 birthday gift ideas to inspire you and help you get it …
What can we discover about a person when we combine Astrology, Human Design and Taurus Sun Sign? HEAPS and here’s three big things I discovered about a certain young man …
Sun Sign, Zodiac Sign, Horoscope Sign, whatever you want to call it . . . represents how we see ourselves and who we’re learning to be. Read on if you …
The Moon Sign represents our emotional landscape or emotional personality, and the way we feel about life. Here’s my interpretation of what that looks like for each of the 12 …
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