10 Must-Ask Questions To Know If You’re A Good Parent Or Not

by Renee Greenland
10 must ask questions to know if you're a good parent

Parenting feels like a never-ending journey filled with highs and lows, triumphs and challenges. We’re always asking ourselves, “Am I a good parent? Am I doing enough?”

As mamas, we’re constantly trying to provide the best for our children, alongside nurturing their growth and development in every possible way. It’s exhausting, right?! But how often do we pause and reflect on our own actions and approaches? Or ask our kids for feedback on how good a job we’re doing?

Self-awareness in parenting is crucial, not only for our growth but also for the growth and well-being of our children. This is what I’ve learnt anyway!

These questions truly are just a guide. This isn’t about judgment; it’s about gaining insight into your parenting journey. Think of each question as a friendly guide to discover how you can nurture your child’s confidence and independence. They’re stepping stones on the path toward fostering self-belief, trust, and resilience in your child.

So, here are 10 must-ask questions to know if you’re a good parent:

If you’d rather, you can click here to download the 10 questions!

1. Do I actively listen to my child’s thoughts and feelings, showing genuine interest and empathy?

Listening is more than just hearing words. It’s about engaging with your child’s thoughts and emotions, validating their feelings, and showing that their voice matters.

2. Am I fostering a growth mindset by encouraging my child to view mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow?

Mistakes are not failures; they are learning opportunities. Encouraging a growth mindset helps your child embrace challenges and persist through difficulties.

3. Do I provide a safe and supportive environment for my child to express themselves without judgment or criticism?

A nurturing environment where your child feels safe to express their true self is essential for their emotional and psychological development.

4. Am I helping my child set realistic goals and celebrate their achievements, no matter how small?

Goal setting and celebrating achievements, even the small ones, build your child’s confidence and motivation.

5. Do I model self-compassion and self-care practices to show my child the importance of self-love and well-being?

Children learn by example. Demonstrating self-compassion and self-care teaches your child to value and care for themselves.

6. Am I teaching my child effective communication skills to express their needs, desires, and boundaries?

Effective communication is key to healthy relationships. Teaching your child how to express themselves clearly and respectfully is a crucial life skill.

7. Do I encourage my child to explore their interests, passions, and talents, allowing them to discover their unique strengths?

Supporting your child in exploring their interests and talents helps them find their passions and strengths, fostering a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

8. Am I helping my child develop problem-solving skills by allowing them to make age-appropriate decisions and choices?

Allowing your child to make decisions and solve problems on their own builds their independence and confidence.

9. Do I provide opportunities for my child to develop resilience by navigating challenges and setbacks with support?

Resilience is built through experience. Supporting your child as they navigate challenges teaches them to bounce back from setbacks stronger.

10. Am I nurturing my child’s self-belief and self-esteem by consistently showing love, affection, and appreciation?

Consistent love and appreciation from you build your child’s self-esteem and self-belief, laying the foundation for a confident and secure individual.

If it’s easier, you can download the full list of “Am I A Good Parent?” questions here!

Reflect and Grow Together

As you think about these questions, keep in mind that parenting is filled with moments of learning and growth for both you and your kids. There will be ups and downs, but it’s these moments that strengthen your bond and resilience as a family.

If you’re looking for more ways to create a connected and happy family, check out my post on A simple technique for a more connected and happy family.

Or, if you want to dive deeper into nurturing self-belief in your kids, don’t miss The best parenting tips for nurturing self-belief in your kids.

Thanks for being here and for your commitment to being an amazing, let alone good, parent ❤

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